Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quote Description

"There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed"
- Mahatma Gandhi

I chose this quote because I thought it had a deep meaning and understanding for everyone on this planet. It tells us that everything that all the people in the world need, is all available for us and there is plenty of 'space for it'. But there is not enough on this planet for peoples greed. Mahatma Gandhi was a very great man and he wasn't greedy at all, he wants the whole world to be the same and appreciate what we have, not ask for more. There are millions of people in the world who don't have enough, and millions of people who have more than they need. We all need to be equal and all live the same way. This quote is very strong and has a strong meaning for every single person on this planet

Picture Justification
I chose this picture because it shows that all people should take care of our world and appreciate what we have and ask for no more. Our world is very precious and is doing a good thing for all of us, keeping us alive. This relates to the quote well because no one should be greedy on our earth and no one should ask for more, there is not enough on this planet. So the question is, why do some countries have a lot and are still asking for more, and why are their still countries with not enough? Why are there people still dying when they have the right to live and be the same as normal people? Why can't we all work something out to be equal? So we all have to take care of this planet and especially the people living on it. If we can do this, there will be no more greed in the world and there will be so much more for everyone's needs.


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