Thursday, April 29, 2010

Suffering Children In Haiti

Haiti in 2006 was a living hell for the children. Major problems connected to health, education, and poverty means few children have their rights. Haiti has the highest mortality rate in 2006, 1 of every 4 infants never reach their first birthday. Children are dying from malnutrition. A reliable sources of clean water is difficult; 71% of the population has an improved water source and only 34% have access to adequate sanitation facilities. In Cite Saint Martin, 60,000 people live in a square kilometer, without waste disposal or toilet facilities. Few receive an education because of fees, poorly maintained buildings, and overcrowded classes. 5,000 babies are born with HIV infection with only 300 of these babies treated. Many are orphans because of aids and forced to live on the streets. Street kids, will join gangs where they can have reliable protection, shelter and food. Sadly, no education. Some parents are desperate to provide their children with a better life, and believe migration to Dominican Republic or domestic work will help but they are often exploited, and don’t even get an education. Haiti is desperate for lots of help from us and we all need to do something about it. It’s a living hell for the children and we can’t let this happen.

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