Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Top Ten Most Influential People 2010

Hossein Mousavi

He was the leader of Iran with dreams of saving the Iran government from corruption and violence. As a child he wished for his country to have freedom. Running always from the revolution that started the Islamic Republic. He wanted democracy without carnage and more deaths for his country. For 31 years the Islamic Republic had shattered its promises to the people of Iran. Mousavi now believes that these promises to the people should be fulfilled to them. This is because of Mousavi’s political movements him and his party is in danger. However Mousavi believes this is a worthy sacrifice to the promises fulfilled to the people and the freedom of Iran.

P. Namperumalsamy

P. Namperumalsamy is a eye doctor who is helping many Indian’s with eye problems and diseases help recover their eyesight. P. Namperumalsamy has a large quantity of eye surgeons who are sent to India to help aid, eye cataract patients. P. Namperumalsamy is the cause of a surgery saving someone’s eye in India every 15 minutes. With over 3.6 million eyes saved so far. P. Namperumalsamy believes that “everyone has a right to sight”.

Graca Machel

Graca Machel has always been fighting for freedom for the youth in Mozambique who inspired them when she was a teacher. She also fought for freedom for her countries liberation with Portugal. During 1975 when she finally found her liberation from Portugal, this making her country, Mozambique awarded her with title of minister of education and culture. She eventually got married to Nelson Mandela, and even now many parts of Africa look upon her with inspiration, guidance and vision in which the can rely on her with.

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is involved in children who are doomed to failure and death eventually. When you are a child and you have lost your parents in a devolving country, you have a very dimly lit future ahead of you. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw gives light to these struggling people by not only donating to these orphans, but by giving hope to them with her own biotech company. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw gives over 2 million dollars for health insurance for 100,000 Indian farmers.

Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis

Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis arrived in Haiti in the capital, port-o-prince. He immediately noticed that the landing ground for planes was already taken up. This was terrible because this takes place right after Haiti’s devastating earthquake, which left Haiti in need for dire help and supplies. In just under half an hour Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis made a make shift air traffic control for the arrival and departure of the planes. Him and his team were able to get planes frequently travelling through Haiti so that over 4 million lbs of supplies could get into Haiti and much more food and water. His amazing acts to save other people show inspiration of humanity.

Malalai Joya

Was raised a girl in Afghanistan under the rule and cruelty of the Taliban. She was very lucky to be educated and become literate. Somehow her brilliance and inspiration got her into parliament in which he continues to save others by fighting the Taliban and warlords in Afghanistan. This was replied with threats and expectations of violence towards her, yet she kept fighting against them but she survived all of it and is a symbol to freedom fighters everywhere.

Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak

Both doctor’s Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak have been fighting cancer and cancer properties. They both have vision to cure cancer and to hopefully find a vaccine for it, so that people everywhere, who suffer from this can both, have hope of a possible cure from their diseases. They have been working separately but have the same common goal and ideas in the same field.

Amy Smith

Amy Smith is an engineer and a founder of the MRI scanner. She is very cultured because she has grown up in India and Botswana. She has created a type of hammer/ mill that converts grains to flower and a incubator that doesn’t need electricity. These are due to be used in countries that suffer from poverty and also don’t have electricity and common tools and requirements.

Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan

Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan is the president of the United Arab Emirates and Abudabi. When Dubai got into a financial crisis he gave up 10billion of his own countries money to bail Dubai out of this financial crisis thus saving the whole worlds stock market and money flow. In return Dubai named their new 160 story building after Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan to Khalifi.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is turkey’s Prime Minister and a man full of vision. He used to be a sufferer from poverty in the streets of Istanbul. He was imprisoned when he magically found his way to parliament when he fell a foul about Turkeys secularist. This only helped his popularity because when he came back from his charge he had even more support. He gives rights to all religions in Turkey (him being deeply Muslim and religious).

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Suffering Children In Haiti

Haiti in 2006 was a living hell for the children. Major problems connected to health, education, and poverty means few children have their rights. Haiti has the highest mortality rate in 2006, 1 of every 4 infants never reach their first birthday. Children are dying from malnutrition. A reliable sources of clean water is difficult; 71% of the population has an improved water source and only 34% have access to adequate sanitation facilities. In Cite Saint Martin, 60,000 people live in a square kilometer, without waste disposal or toilet facilities. Few receive an education because of fees, poorly maintained buildings, and overcrowded classes. 5,000 babies are born with HIV infection with only 300 of these babies treated. Many are orphans because of aids and forced to live on the streets. Street kids, will join gangs where they can have reliable protection, shelter and food. Sadly, no education. Some parents are desperate to provide their children with a better life, and believe migration to Dominican Republic or domestic work will help but they are often exploited, and don’t even get an education. Haiti is desperate for lots of help from us and we all need to do something about it. It’s a living hell for the children and we can’t let this happen.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SAURI Kenya, Shower of Aid (100 words)

SAURI, Kenya, now one of the first of the 80-millenium villages across Africa. A city in poverty, has improved over the years, lots of helpful things happened in the villages and the income and production has increased. This is due to the technology and basic straightforward training programs. Mr. Sachs wants to see if this can be replicated in other villages across Africa. William Easterly thinks that Sachs cannot do it and his ideas will not work because of the falling governments in Africa. Easterly also believes that Sachs is taking the wrong approach for the world’s poverty and terrorism to end.

For more detail

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poverty Response

People who suffer from lack of food, lack of money and don't have enough of anything to feed there family is under extreme poverty. I don't know why people in the 21st century are suffering so much, when they could be like us and living a happy easy life. There are organizations out there who are helping and making a difference. For example, the World Bank. The World Bank is an international Bank, for reconstructing and development of countries who are suffering from poverty and other disasters. They have collected data from 73 different countries. They did this so they can universalize the data and look more into it and investigate it. I have seen an improvement that the World Bank has done.
"Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom."(,,contentMDK:20153855~menuPK:373757~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618
As you can see, this is about poverty. But extreme poverty is much worse. Extreme poverty is when you don't have enough at all to feed yourself and your family. You are extremely poor, and badly need a lot of help.

13,500 people get infected with HIV/AIDS everyday
22,000 people die from extreme poverty everyday
850 million people go to bed hungry everyday
1 billion people live on less than $1 a day
I think this is unacceptable and we need to make a move that will change everything. We need to start looking out more and especially for much more solutions to help the needed. Many of these hopeless people often become poverty trapped. Its when you don't have enough of anything, and not enough to provide for your children. You are trapped in poverty. You need to work hard to become free. You need extreme help. There are currently 1.4 billion people who are living under the poverty line in the world. This is a huge number, we all need to take a look at this and do something. I have witnessed some poverty, and it is horrible, i don't like seeing it at all. it makes me sad and worry if will ever be in that position. We need to do something! Fast!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quote Description

"There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed"
- Mahatma Gandhi

I chose this quote because I thought it had a deep meaning and understanding for everyone on this planet. It tells us that everything that all the people in the world need, is all available for us and there is plenty of 'space for it'. But there is not enough on this planet for peoples greed. Mahatma Gandhi was a very great man and he wasn't greedy at all, he wants the whole world to be the same and appreciate what we have, not ask for more. There are millions of people in the world who don't have enough, and millions of people who have more than they need. We all need to be equal and all live the same way. This quote is very strong and has a strong meaning for every single person on this planet

Picture Justification
I chose this picture because it shows that all people should take care of our world and appreciate what we have and ask for no more. Our world is very precious and is doing a good thing for all of us, keeping us alive. This relates to the quote well because no one should be greedy on our earth and no one should ask for more, there is not enough on this planet. So the question is, why do some countries have a lot and are still asking for more, and why are their still countries with not enough? Why are there people still dying when they have the right to live and be the same as normal people? Why can't we all work something out to be equal? So we all have to take care of this planet and especially the people living on it. If we can do this, there will be no more greed in the world and there will be so much more for everyone's needs.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday Bloody Sunday

The single was released in March 1983 in Germany and The Netherlands only. The song is noted for its militaristic drumbeat, simple but harsh guitar, and melodic harmonies. One of U2's most overtly political songs, its lyrics describe the horror felt by an observer of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, mainly focusing on the Bloody Sunday incident in Derry where British troops shot at civil rights marchers. The incident shook many lives and really changed the perspective of an ordinary day. Broken bottles under children feet Bodies strewn across the dead end street. This verse of the song, it shows us the sad life of some of the unfortunate children today. The song shows us how being a free man is not aloud. How fighting for your right is not aloud. I believe that the song is focusing on a negative aspect of the society and it is asking us how we can make it better.


I cant believe the news today

Oh, I cant close my eyes and make it go away

How long...

How long must we sing this song?

How long? how long...

cause tonight...we can be as one


Broken bottles under childrens feet

Bodies strewn across the dead end street

But I wont heed the battle call

It puts my back up

Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, bloody sunday

Sunday, bloody sunday

Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday bloody sunday...)

(allright lets go!)

And the battles just begun

Theres many lost, but tell me who has won

The trench is dug within our hearts

And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart

Sunday, bloody sunday

Sunday, bloody sunday

How long...

How long must we sing this song?

How long? how long...

cause tonight...we can be as one



Sunday, bloody sunday (tonight)


Sunday, bloody sunday (tonight)

(come get some!)

Wipe the tears from your eyes

Wipe your tears away

Wipe your tears away

I wipe your tears away

(sunday, bloody sunday)

I wipe your blood shot eyes

(sunday, bloody sunday)

Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday, bloody sunday)

Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday, bloody sunday)

(here I come!)

And its true we are immune

When fact is fiction and tv reality

And today the millions cry

We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

The real battle yet begun (sunday, bloody sunday)

To claim the victory jesus won (sunday, bloody sunday)


Sunday bloody sunday

Sunday bloody sunday...