Monday, April 13, 2009

Ineresting Fact

83% of the world have access to safe water. The other 17% do not. They spend a large part of each day simply getting safe water. Most of this work is done by women.

68% of the world breathe in clean air, while 32% breathe air that is unhealthy because of pollution.

I think these interesting facts are important to know because there are many people out there in the world suffering for things we don't need to worry about. Looking at this information i feel a little guilty and mad at myself. Right now us kids and our parents are probably at home on their laptop, with their iphone, having a nice refreshing drink. Maybe most of us are not even thinking about the poor people in other countries, dying, suffering, sad, nothing clean to drink or eat. I would hate it so much if i were in that position.

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